Kerklaan Greenhouses supplies technical installations for every type of horticultural company. We offer advice and expertise with regard to the installations to be used for an optimal return. At Kerklaan Greenhouses we offer the most suitable and complete solutions for every specific issue within horticulture.
Always and everywhere.
Heating installations
Your heating system is a crucial part of your horticultural business. A good installation enables you to optimally control the climate in your greenhouse. Does the heating installation of your greenhouse need to be replaced or do you want to expand your existing installation? Kerklaan Greenhouses offers fast and professional advice and installation of new and used heating systems. Thanks to our efficient working method and a mix of new and used materials, we can offer installations at very competitive rates.
Screen installations
Screen installations are crucial in controlling the climate in your greenhouse.In addition, screen installations can have a combined function. They can also be used for energy saving, sun protection and controlling light emissions. At Kerklaan Greenhouses we have the right expertise to install any type of screen. Whether it concerns horizontal screens, roller screens, outdoor screens or insect netting. We offer customization for every type of greenhouse and can advise you perfectly on what best suits your cultivation.
Climate systems
To centrally control climate processes such as temperature, humidity or water release within your greenhouse, the right climate computer is required. Kerklaan Greenhouses offers advice and installation of these climate systems and computers.
Kerklaan Horti Materials has various climate computers in stock. View our current stock via the link below.
Lighting installations
Correct lighting is essential for your crop. The right amount of light ensures a substantial increase in your yield. Kerklaan Greenhouses is a specialist in advising and installing the optimal lighting installation in your greenhouse. We install used or new assimilation lighting and calculate whether this fits within the capacity of the existing energy supply.
Cultivation systems
Growing vegetables, plants and flowers is simplified by using cultivation systems. Cultivation systems support cultivation in growth and development. This increases production and improves product quality. In addition, you can set up your greenhouse more efficiently, and labor productivity is increased.
(Used) cultivation gutter systems
We have a large stock of cultivation gutter systems. When installing the growing gutters, we provide the system with truss and leaf support for optimum crop growth.
(Used) pot growing systems
A used pot growing system is extremely suitable for flowers that are grown in a pot.
Buffer tanks
A buffer tank or heat storage tank is intended to make your heating system more efficient. Heat generated previously is stored in the buffer tank, so that it can be used later. At Kerklaan Greenhouses we provide tailor-made advice on the replacement or addition of a buffer tank for heat storage. We use a new or used buffer tank.
We provide transport, installation and integration of every type of buffer tank for every type of greenhouse.
Water technical installations
Kerklaan Greenhouses has all the knowledge and experience in-house in the field of water technology. Who offer appropriate solutions and have a large and diverse stock of water technical installations. Whether it concerns water storage, water transport or water treatment. In addition, we offer expertise in the design and application of these installations in your horticultural business.
Concrete floors and concrete paths
Concrete floors and concrete paths are an essential part for any horticultural company. Most internal transport movements take place via concrete floors and paths. That is why it is important that they are properly constructed and maintained.
Kerklaan Greenhouses works with the best subcontractors who professionally pour concrete floors and paths. Everything fully customized and in accordance with the necessary requirements. In addition, we also carry out restorations or replace your concrete floors or paths professionally and quickly. We always ensure that your business operations need to be interrupted as little as possible.